Prof. Obradovic co-chairs a KDD 2015 workshop on Connected Health at Big Data Era (with M. De Choudhury from Georgia Institute of Technology, H. Tong from City University of New York and F. Wang from University of Connecticut)

2015 KDD workshop on Connected Health at Big Data Era is co-chaired by Prof. Obradovic (jointly with M. De Choudhury from Georgia Institute of Technology, H. Tong from City University of New York and F. Wang from University of Connecticut). This workshop will be on Aug. 10, 2015 in Sydney, Australia.Workshop paper submissions are due […]

The NSF BIG DATA grant

The NSF BIG DATA grant is awarded to Youngjin Yoo, Sunil Wattal, Zoran Obradovic and Rob J. Kulathinal for project entitled “BIGDATA: Multi-level predictive analytics & motif discovery across massive dynamic spatio-temporal networks in complex socio-technical systems: An organizational genetics approach”. This 3 year multi-disciplinary ground-breaking computational social science work, that involves collaboration of researchers from Temple […]

Keynote lecture at IEEE BIBE Conference

Prof. Zoran Obradovic is a keynote speaker at the 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering. This conference will be in Boca Raton, Florida on November 10-12, 2014. An abstract of his keynote lecture is at

SERC: Accelerating collaborative research

The newly opened Science Education and Research Center (SERC) at Temple University will support a new era of research and discovery for students and faculty, opening doors to advancements in Philadelphia and around the world. 

Dr. Haibin Ling has received the NSF CAREER Award

Prof. Haibin Ling received the NSF CAREER Award. Supported by the award, Dr. Ling will lead a five-year research project investigating novel high-order tensor-based methods for joint matching, aligning or tracking visual entities such as objects or landmarks. The algorithms developed in the project will be integrated into various applications including visual surveillance, medical image […]

Prof. Obradovic co-chairs a KDD 2014 workshop on Connected Health at Big Data Era (with M. De Choudhury from Georgia Institute of Technology, H. Tong from City University of New York and F. Wang from IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Prof. Obradovic co-chairs a KDD 2014 workshop on Connected Health at Big Data Era (with M. De Choudhury from Georgia Institute of Technology, H. Tong from City University of New York and F. Wang from IBM T.J. Watson Research Center). The topic of this workshop is integration of clinical, genotype, environmental, behavioral, social medial and […]