Dr. Obradovic gives an ivited lecture at BIBM 2011

Dr. Zoran Obradovic is giving an invited lecture at IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2011. His lecture “Analysis and Integration of Inconsistent and Unreliable Biomedical Prediction Models” is based on joint papers with his PhD. students Mohamed Ghalwash (in press at Molecular Biosystems journal) and Ping Zhang (ECML PKDD 2011). Following is the […]

DABI Center Welcomes Fulbright Scholar Dr. Boris Delibasic

The Data Analysis and Biomedical Analytics (DABI) Center extends a warm welcome to Prof. Boris Delibasic who joined Prof. Obradovic’s lab on October 1, 2011. Prof. Delibasic received a prestigious Fulbright fellowship to work as a visiting scholar at Prof. Obradovic’s laboratory at DABI until June 2012. Their research objectives are to design spatio-temporal algorithms […]

Dr Rolf Lakaemper released a Kinect TCP related website

Dr Rolf Lakaemper released a Kinect TCP related website aimed at saving the burden of programming in .NET KinectTCP is a TCP/IP server that offers all video, depth and skeleton services of Microsoft’s Win7 Kinect SDK, independent from specific programming languages. kinectTCP allows programmers, who do not want to deal with windows specifics of libraries and languages, […]

Dr. Zoran Obradovic has been awarded a new four year DARPA grant

Dr. Zoran Obradovic has been awarded a new four year grant from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. His project is aimed at developing and validating effective predictive modeling technology to achieve challenging sepsis treatment related aims on high dimensional and noisy data at a clinically relevant scale. For more information visit:http://www.dabi.temple.edu/dabi/people/zoran/research/darpa_therapy.html

Dr. Slobodan Vucetic and Dr. Zoran Obradovic have been awarded a new three year NSF grant

Dr. Slobodan Vucetic and Dr. Zoran Obradovic have been awarded a new three year grant from the National Science Foundation. Their project is aimed at developing a novel discriminative modeling framework for fusion of multi-sensor remote sensing data based on the Gaussian conditional random field model. Project’s title is “A Discriminative Modeling Framework for Mining […]

DABI Center Welcomes a pre-doctoral scholar from Italy Petar Jevtic

The Data Analysis and Biomedical Analytics Center extends a warm welcome to Petar Jevtic who joined Prof. Obradovic’s lab on August 1st, 2011. Petar Jevtic is a full scholarship, second year PhD student at the Faculty Vilfredo Pareto, University of Turin, Italy. As a visiting scholar at Prof. Obradovic’s laboratory his research objectives are to […]