Zoran Obradovic co-chairs the NSF Smart Grid Edge Analytics Workshop which will take place at the Georgia Tech University on June 4-5, 2019. The objective of this workshop is to bring together key experts from academia, industry, and Government to exchange the latest developments on data analytics “at the edge of the grid”. The Workshop will provide fast-paced tutorials on Data Analytics and Smart Grid Analytics, and the technical sessions will include “Distribution Grid Analytics “, “Smart Meter and Customer Analytics”, “DER Integration Analytics”, and “Beyond the Grid: Smart Cities, EV, and Smart Building Analytics”S. The workshop program is at smartgridedgeworkshop.ece.gatech.edu/ .
Predictive Data Mining in Science, Engineering and Business
IST Colloquium Oct 05, 2000 Zoran Obradovic Predictive Data Mining in Science, Engineering and Business Wachman 32201:30PM – 03:00PM