

April 1:

  1. Vladimir Ouzienko: Markov Chains, Simulated Annealing and Boltzman Machine (chapter 11)
  2. Dairong Wong: Self-Organizing Maps (chapter 9)
  3. George Mathew: Recurrent Neural Networks for Music Computation (J.A. Franklin, IJOC 2006)


April 8:

  1. Debashish Das: Active Learning in Neural Networks
  2. Coric Vladimir: Self- taught Learning: Transfer Learning from Unlabeled Data (R. Raina et al, ICML 2007)
  3. Fei Huan: Kernel Perceptron


April 15:

1.      Kosta Ristovski: Mixture Density Networks (C. Bishop, Aston Univ. 1994)

2.      Qiang Lou: Supervised Feature Selection via Dependence Estimation.  (Le Song et al, ICML 2006)

3.      Tatyana Nazhnaya: Probabilistic Non-linear Principal Component Analysis with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models (N. Lawrence JMLR 2005)