Assignment 2 (Neural Computation, Spring 2009)
Number of problems/points: Five problems for total of 100 points
Out: February 18, 2009
Due: February 25, in class.
Problem 1: (25
Implement the Pocket algorithm and use it to solve a double-moon classification problem from Problem 2 of Homework assignment 1 for d= -1.
Problem 2: (25
Repeat tasks defined at Problem 1 using a two layer neural network with 4 hidden units trained using the backpropagation algorithm.
Obtain the Wisconsin Prognostic Breast Cancer dataset from the UCI Repository of Machine Learning Databases at
and perform 5 cross-validation experiments to estimate the precision accuracy
of a feedforward neural network trained using the backpropagation algorithm
on these problems:
Problem 3: (25 points)
Prediction of recurrence of cancer at 24 months (field 2 in dataset).
Problem 4: (25 points)
Prediction of time to recur (field 3 in recurrent records)
In problems 3 and 4 consider optimizing the number of hidden neurons, learning rates and momentum parameters. In addition to accuracy, report the average number of iterations needed for convergence and the standard deviation.