Scholar Ranking
2017 Ranking of the U.S. Doctoral Programs in Computer Science based on Faculty Citations
The details about the Scholar ranking are described in this article: Vucetic, S., Chanda, A., Zhang, S., Bai, T., A. Maiti, Faculty citation measures are highly correlated with peer assessment of computer science doctoral programs , arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.05435, 2017.
We refer to this ranking as the Scholar Ranking because the citation data are collected from Google Scholar. The data collection took place during Fall 2016. To decide who is computer science faculty, we consulted “people” pages of computer science department web sites. For each computer science faculty we extracted t10 index, which refers to the number of citations of his or her 10th highest cited paper. For each computer science department we calculated the Scholar score as

The Scholar ranking was obtained by finding a formula that matches U.S. News ranking of computer science doctoral programs published in 2014. The U.S. News ranking is obtained by peer assessment. The correlation coefficient between U.S. News ranking and Scholar ranking is impressive 0.93, which demonstrates that faculty citations have a large impact on peer assessment of department quality.
The listed table also contains the following columns: P10: each faculty is assigned a percentile based on his or her t10 index compared to all associate and full professors of computer science. P10 is the average percentile of associate and full professors in the program C80: number of assistant, associate, and full professors in the program with t10 index of at least 231 (corresponds to 80th percentile among associate and full professors in computer science) US News: U.S. News ranking score of CS doctoral programs published in 2014
Data: The following are two raw data files containing information about 173 U.S. CS departments and information about 4,728 CS faculty from those departments. Also, we provide a Matlab file that uses those two files to produce Scholar ranking and all the results reported in the manuscript. Faculty Citation Data: The list of 4,728 faculty names with their citation indices and affiliation CS Department Data: The list of 173 U.S. university names with their U.S. News rankings and data collection comments Matlab File: Matlab code that processes the two data sets and produces ranking and other results