Infra2 Video

Video Stats

Video ID: 19
Number of Frames: 73
Image size reduction factor: No Reduction
Color Conversion: No - Original Grayscale
Number of 4x4 blocks per Frame: 5400
Frame Block Size: 60x90
Original Video File [5MB] (J. Davis and V. Sharma - Ohio State University)

3-D Block Analysis using outlier detection

Dual Compare Video 4x4 [36MB] - Graylevel video comparing SP and S&G motion detection
Motion Video 4x4 [36MB] - Graylevel video with 4x4 motion blocks
GT & SP Video 4x4 [36MB] - Graylevel video with track ground truth data and SP motion centroids
GT Video 4x4 [36MB] - Graylevel video with track ground truth data only

Ground Truth Data - Text file with ground truth data (converted from XML file)

GT vs. Track 4x4 (.fig) - Ground truth data and motion track data Matlab figure
GT vs. Track 4x4 (.emf) - Ground truth data and motion track data enhanced meta file


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