Infra1 Video
Outdoor Security in Thermal Infrared Video

Video Stats

Number of Frames: 500
Image size reduction factor: No Reduction
Color Conversion: No - Original Grayscale
Number of 4x4 blocks per Frame: 4800
Frame Block Size: 80x60
Original Video File [29MB] (J. Davis and V. Sharma - Ohio State University)

3-D Block Analysis using outlier detection

Motion Video 4x4 [11MB] - Graylevel video with red 4x4 motion blocks
Dual Compare Video 4x4 [10MB] - Graylevel video comparing SP and S&G motion detection

Activity Matrix - Zip file containing a single EV matrix with largest ev value per block
Motion Matrix - Zip file containing a single Motion matrix with values of 0/1. Where 1=motion and 0=no motion

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