Sparse Linearized Iterative Coherence Estimation (SLICE) and Risk Assessment In Image Analysis and Systems Verification

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CIS Distinguished Lecture Series, Jan 30, 2013, 11:00AM – 12:00PM, Wachman 447

Sparse Linearized Iterative Coherence Estimation (SLICE) and Risk Assessment In Image Analysis and Systems Verification

Robert Bonneau , Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

Many methods that form manifold learning have been proposed recently to accurately embed some high dimensional sets of points into low dimensional space. Most of these methods make assumptions about the spectral support of the high dimensional space being sampled and the consistency of these assumptions over time. Additionally, most of these methods do not directly incorporate a means of assessing the embedding in terms of probability distributions for estimation and detection purposes. Finally, most of these methods do not take into consideration noise in the estimation of the true underlying space. We propose a new method using sparse coherence-based estimation of distributions of points sampled from a high dimensional space that iteratively refines its notion of the support of the space. This approach will enable a new method of estimation, detection, and identification risk analysis and mitigation in a general class of image analysis and system verification problems.

Dr. Bonneau is a Program Manager of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and has established programs and leads new research initiatives in Networking and Communications in the Mathematics, Information, and Biological Sciences Division. Previously, Dr. Bonneau was a Senior Research Scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Information Directorate in networking, communications, sensing, and computing, and a Program Manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in communications. He has held academic positions in communications and sensing at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Columbia University. Dr Bonneau has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Columbia University, and a Masters and Bachelors in electrical engineering from Cornell University. Dr. Bonneau is a Senior Member of IEEE and has over 80 journal and conference papers, 1 book co-authorship, contributed to 2 book chapters, and holds 3 patents.