Pharmacogenomics: search for individualized therapy

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IST Colloquium, Feb 02, 2007, 01:30PM – 03:00PM, Wachman 322

Pharmacogenomics: search for individualized therapy

Prof. Evgeny Krynetskiy, Ph.D., D. Sc., Associate Professor, Temple University School of Pharmacy

The topic of this presentation is Pharmacogenomics – a rapidly evolving discipline that uses the tools of Human Genetics to tailor medicinal treatment based on individual’s genetic makeup. To this end, phenotypic manifestations (a therapeutic outcome or an adverse drug event) are considered in relationship with the underlying genetic background of a patient. Genetic factors behind the phenotype are discovered by either biochemical studies of metabolism, or through linkage disequilibrium association studies.

Evgeny Krynetskiy is an Associate Professor at the Temple University School of Pharmacy. He is a Head of Pharmacogenomics Lab and a Director of Jayne Haines Center for Pharmacogenomics and Drug Safety. Dr. Krynetskiy received his Ph.D. degree in Bioorganic Chemistry at Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia in 1980, and his Doctor of Science degree in 1995. He had been working in the United States since 1993 when he joined St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. His area of interests includes genetic factors that determine response to drugs, and mechanisms of chemotherapeutic drug targeted against DNA. Dr. Krynetskiy was a co-discoverer of an important genetic polymorphism in metabolism of an anticancer drugs mercaptopurine; the genotyping assay he developed is now used to prevent adverse drug reactions for this drug in patients. Dr. Krynetskiy co-authored more than 60 articles and made multiple presentations at the National and International meetings.