Introduction to High-Performance Computing (HPC) Computer Architecture and Storage Hierarchy

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Sep 28, 2010, 05:30PM – 07:00PM, TECH Center Room 111

Introduction to High-Performance Computing (HPC) Computer Architecture and Storage Hierarchy

Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer, Temple University, Institute for Computational Molecular Science

Introduction to High-Performance Computing is the first in a series of lectures presented by Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer, Associate Director of the Institute for Computational Molecular Science and Research and Associate Professor for Chemistry and Computer Science at Temple University. Dr. Kohlmeyer also serves as the TeraGrid Campus Representative for Temple University.


  • What is HPC and why do we care?
  • HPC concepts: efficient computing
  • Parallel computing, supercomputing
  • Grid computing, cloud computing
  • GPU computing, data driven computing