DABI Center welcomes Dr. Gregor Stiglic from Slovenia

The Data Analysis and Biomedical Analytics (DABI) Center welcomes Assistant Professor Gregor Stiglic who joined Professor Obradovic’s lab on September 19, 2012. Dr. Stiglic will work at DABI as a visiting scholar on a DARPA funded project, developing spatio-temporal algorithms for analysis of healthcare related problems. The algorithms will be extended to analysis of large […]

DABI Center welcomes a pre-doctoral scholar from Serbia Jelena Slivka

The Data Analysis and Biomedical Analytics Center extends a warm welcome to Jelena Slivka who joined Prof. Obradovic’s lab on October 1st, 2012. Jelena Slivka is a third year PhD student and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. As a visiting scholar at Prof. Obradovic’s laboratory, she is […]

The Big Data TV interview with Dr. Ken Blank (senior vice provost for research and education) and Dr Zoran Obradovic (Data Analytics and Biomedical Informatics Center Director; Computer and Information Science Professor)

The Big Data TV interview with Dr. Ken Blank (senior vice provost for research and education) and Dr Zoran Obradovic (Data Analytics and Biomedical Informatics Center Director; Computer and Information Science Professor) will be broadcast on Tuesday 9/25/12 at 12:30pm and 8:30pm on TUTV. TUTV is seen on Comcast Channel 50 and Verizon Channel 45 […]

Prof. Zoran Obradovic has been awarded another exciting DARPA grant related to big data analysis.

Dr. Zoran Obradovic has been awarded another exciting DARPA grant related to big data analysis. For this four year $2,907,908 project started in August2012, entitled „Prospective Analysis of Large and Complex Partially Observed Temporal Social Networks“ Prof. Obradovic is the principal investigator and co-investigators are Prof. Emily Fox at University of Washington Statistics Department and […]

Starting September 2012 Prof. Zoran Obradovic will lead a GlaxoSmithKline funded project

Starting September 2012 Prof. Zoran Obradovic will lead a GlaxoSmithKline funded project entitled “Predicting Drug Indications by Integrating Multiple Data Sources.” Finding new indications for existing drugs, or drug repositioning, has been used as a strategy for decades to get drugs to more patients. To predict drug indications for both approved drugs and novel molecules, […]

Dr. Alexander Yates has been awarded a new three year NSF grant

Professor Yates has received a new 3 year NSF grant entitled “RI: Small: Learning Open Domain Semantic Parsers”. Following is the scope of this $425,821 single investigator grant. Supervised semantic parsers, which learn to map language to relational data, perform poorly on texts that differ in vocabulary or style from the training text, and on […]